Samantha was looking forward to her custom professional portrait session that was going to take place this August. We had all of the details in place! I received an email late one evening from Samantha explaining a turn of events with her pregnancy. Baby V may make her way into this big world a little bit sooner than expected. Mommy was admitted to the hospital at 27 weeks for close monitoring until she gives birth to her rainbow baby. She may have baby girl tomorrow, or in a month from now. Only time will tell.
I know how terrified these two with their future so unknown. But, what I do know is how much they love each other. Their love radiates throughout their portraits. My prayers are with the Falzone family. I can't wait to meet Baby Vienna.
“When life gives you lemons, you make lemonade”
I was not going to let any hospital stay come between me and a clients maternity session. I stress to my maternity portrait clients that each session will never be the same. Every pregnancy is different. Every story is different. These may not be what we had planned, but they are perfect.
“They are perfect because this is their story. ”
Meet Gianni & Samantha.
Puyallup, Professional Maternity Photographer
Puyallup, Professional Maternity Photographer