February Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photographer

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February Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photographer


It was so much fun being a part of Briana's maternity portrait session. She allowed me to use new locations and gave full trust in the final product that she would be receiving for her Mom of the Month session for February. I love that I can be a part of the JBLM community in offering maternity sessions close, convenient, but high end session experience. Here is a before and after showcasing my hand editing techniques for one of her portraits. I just loved how it turned out!

JBLM Maternity Photographer

Briana is pregnant with a little boy and herself, husband and big sister can't wait to meet him! This was a planned pregnancy. Her body did not respond well to her first pregnancy and for being so young and healthy, her and her daughter faced a lot of unforeseen complications. A year later her doctor explained and recommended that she not wait too long if she wanted to have more children. 

I am so excited to bring another life into this world and I truly believe the best gift you can give your children is a sibling. It’s a forever friend and I’m so happy to watch Jaelyn (my daughter) grow into her new role as big sister.

Briana continues to explain that through the excitement, it is also hard. She realizes that her youngest still needs her, (as I am sure many of us mama's know when you have children and are expecting) and that you think to yourself and worry that there won't be enough to go around. But isn't it amazing how your love multiples and you never realized that your love could grow that much more?


Briana couldn't have a more perfect attitude towards labor and her pregnancy. I ask my featured mom of the month's about their feelings towards their bodies changing. So many woman struggle with this. I hear it every session! Briana tells me that it's not always easy watching your body stretch and contort to its max. It can really be so hard to accept. What is amazing, is she follows up that statement with...

As much as I want to feel beautiful, empowered, and like I have that “glow” I often feel the opposite and I have learned to be okay with that too. My body can grow a human being, that is pretty incredible and I’m so grateful...but I won’t lie and say that I’m blind to the physical changes and that they aren’t sometimes hard to accept. Thankfully I know from experience once you hold your baby nothing else in the world matters.

After a scary emergency c-section experience with her daughter, Briana is excited and hopeful for a VBAC delivery with her son.  She's hoping he's cooperative and it all goes smoothly.  

I trust my body, I trust my doctor, and I have so much faith in what we as women are capable of. We are so incredible.
February Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photographer
I am so excited to know and love on this little human. My whole life I have felt called to motherhood and it’s one of those things that is even sweeter then you ever thought it could be. I know he was chosen for myself and my little family and I absolutely cannot wait to see the joy he brings us.

Thank you so much Briana for sharing your story and pregnancy journey. Thank you for being Stephanie Ratto Photography's featured Mom of the Month for February 2018. Once again, Thank you for choosing me to be a part of this special time in your life. 

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Lacey Maternity Session | Stephanie Ratto Photography


Lacey Maternity Session | Stephanie Ratto Photography

JBLM Maternity Photographer | Stephanie Ratto Photography

This Lacey Maternity Session was what visions and dreams were made of! I am so excited to share some of my favorite portraits from her session that took place. Mama looked absolutely stunning in the gowns that she chose from my gown collection that my clients have exclusive access to. We even managed to have a third outfit option for her portrait experience! The sun trickling through the tree line created the perfect glow for her spring maternity session. The way her husband looked at her throughout their session absolutely melted my heart! I am so happy that I was able to capture these moments for her to cherish to remember time and time again. 

Lacey Maternity Session | Stephanie Ratto Photography

Lacey Maternity Session | Stephanie Ratto Photography

Lacey Maternity Session | Stephanie Ratto Photography

Lacey Maternity Session | Stephanie Ratto Photography


January Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photography | Stephanie Ratto Photography


January Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photography | Stephanie Ratto Photography

January Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photography

It was such an honor getting to meet and be a part of Jiamyiah's maternity portrait session to capture this special time in her life! She was the perfect mom to be to be featured as January's Mom of the Month for Stephanie Ratto Photography! I love being able to serve those in the JBLM area for their maternity portrait needs. We had so much fun when she came to try on gowns from my gown collection exclusively offered to my clients. She couldn't have chosen 2 better gowns for her. These gowns were absolutely just MEANT to be worn by her for her maternity portraits! What a way to start the new year! 

January Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photography

January Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photography

Jiamyiah and Kendall met back in high school and after 2 years of being married, their journey has brought them to JBLM. You can definitely tell that these two were high school sweethearts. I loved their connection in their portraits and seeing their playful interaction with each other. Jiamyiah's love for her husband has led them to name their son Kendall Gilmore II. 

My husband is a great, strong, intelligent man. It seemed perfect!

After trying for over a year and seeking help from fertility doctors and hormone treatments, she was finally pregnant! This little boy is their first baby and they can't wait to bring him into this world.

I had no signs that I was pregnant, so it was a complete surprise and we both hysterically cried!

Physically Jiamyiah has not had any problems with her pregnancy but explained that it is mentally draining. She never imagined how your hormones could effect your relationship the way that it does. Her mental health would have deteriorated if she didn’t have such an amazing support system between her family, friends and husband.

I asked Jiamyiah what her thoughts were on the "big day"! She is so excited to have baby boy here, but so terrified to bring him home. Aren't we all as first time mom's? She jokes...

There is no instruction manual or to do list to tell me what to do with him.

She plans to have an all natural water birth if possible. She also plans to encapsulate her placenta and take the pills to help with postpartum. It's so awesome! 

January Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photography

January Mom of the Month | JBLM Maternity Photography

I ask my mommy to be's what they register for! It is always so fun to see what everyone's must-haves are! She registered for a variety of baby goods, from clothes to washing tools, toys, teething and breastfeeding products. She is most excited about her Graco 4ever in 1 car seat and baby wraps!  She chose to register at Baby’s R Us and Amazon.

I can’t wait for the bonding and love at first sight experience!

Thank you Jiamyiah for sharing your pregnancy journey! Thank you for being Stephanie Ratto Photography's Featured Mom of the Month for January 2018 and lastly thank you for choosing me as your photographer to capture this incredible time in your life. 



December Mom of the Month | Puyallup Maternity Photographer

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December Mom of the Month | Puyallup Maternity Photographer

It was so much fun having Andrea as Stephanie Ratto Photography's Featured Mom of the Month for December. We enjoyed her portrait session at Owens Beach and did some spur of the moment maternity portraits back in November when it snowed! That is one of the many perks of being a Mom of the Month for Stephanie Ratto Photography! You are one of the first to be called when I have specific visions for portraits. Her maternity portrait gallery couldn't have been more perfect with lots of variety! She is absolutely stunning and I can't wait to deliver her fine art canvas that she ordered! 

December Mom of the Month | Puyallup Maternity Photographer

My goal with the Mom of the Month portrait session is to get moms connected! Without further ado, meet Stephanie Ratto Photography's Featured Mom of the Month for December, Andrea! 

Andrea is originally from Florida and moved here with her husband Anthony who is in the United States Army. They tried for a baby for over a year and a half and ended up seeking help from an fertility clinic. After four rounds of treatment, she is due with her first child, a baby boy, this upcoming February 2018!

It was a pretty stressful time, and that last round was actually the one that I was starting to consider taking a break from it all. It becomes so disappointing when you don’t know why it’s not working for you when you see it working just fine for so many. My anxiety was starting to get worse with each round of treatment

Infertility is more common than you would believe.  I appreciate Andrea sharing her story. Pregnancy so far has not been easy, but she knows it could have been so much worse! She did however suffer from awful morning sickness and lost almost 20 pounds. 

I couldn’t even drink plain water! (to this day, it still makes me nauseous)

I asked Andrea how pregnancy has been emotionally for her and how has she embraced the changes that her body has gone through. 

I’m already a super emotional person, so pregnancy has just enhanced that aspect of me. And I’m sure my husband can tell you all about that lol! I definitely complain about every “little” ache and pain. While I’m also not too happy with some of the changes my body is going through I do embrace my belly and the little boy growing in there. I just tend to try to focus on him rather than the things that are inevitably going to be different about me. It’s all worth it.

Andrea is very excited for their little boy. Their whole family dynamic is going to change and she can't wait to figure it all out with her husband Anthony right there with her. 

Thank you Andrea for sharing your story and thank you for allowing me to capture this amazing time in your life. 

December Mom of the Month | Puyallup Maternity Photographer

December Mom of the Month | Puyallup Maternity Photographer

December Mom of the Month | Puyallup Maternity Photographer

December Mom of the Month | Puyallup Maternity Photographer

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